Christmas and Family Trees
The yearly trek is about to happen on the Ohnemus farm. It goes like this every year; I drop hints about good looking trees I find along...
Rolling in It
date A dead coon or calf carcass makes for a euphoric roll in a most putrid vile odiferous bacteria. Now, with the high temps, and it...
Babies (part 2)
Three babies were born this morning. The delight of these births overshadows the loss of twins on Saturday morning. They just weren't...
Babies (Part 1)
I put my muck boots on and wander outdoors with new purpose. Winter, a time to endure, finally gives birth to bright green shards of...
Lessons from Eagles
I've laid out a large heavy piece of cardboard at the back door as a boot "drop off" zone. The cowboy goes through several pairs of boots...
Watching "Wheel of Fortune" signals the early relaxation that comes with nightfall on a rainy fall evening. I look forward to rainy days...
Dog Days of Summer
It all begins with windows darkened and air conditioners on maximum… not a day for saving energy. I’m refrigerated under thin cotton...
Our First Sale Without Dad
Hot wind blows up clouds of dust as the two shiny aluminum trailers thunder up the drive towards the pole barn. Tomorrow promises higher...
Butcher Beef: How to Get it Into My Freezer
It's always on my mind. How to get people interested in trying our delicious beef, I mean. The daunting choice to invest one’s self in a...
Death Valley Days
It’s a show we love to watch. It’s old, black and white, with themes of winning the west, men of valor, strong gutsy women and the...